Dr. Nicholas J. Pirro

Dr. Nicholas J. Pirro (Nicholas Joseph Pirro, DBA), is recognized as a resilient leader and prominent figure in the field of business, currently specializing in lead domain consulting and business analysis. Dr. Pirro facilitates the integration of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, driving transformative change and emphasizing excellence through staff training programs. His expertise spans industries such as hotels & hospitality, compliance, waste-to-energy, waste management, food & food service distribution, and data visualization & analytics. He is the recipient of the Self-Driven Team Award for Q4,2024 awarded on April 25, 2024 by the Knights of Gramener (KOG).

Dr. Pirro's commitment to excellence is evident in his certifications, including Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management - Lean Process, Executive Management, and Talend Data Management. His memberships in institutions like the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) and the American Finance Association affirm his standing in academic and professional circles.

Additionally, Dr. Pirro was a member and vice chairperson in the Vernon Township Economic Development Advisory Commission for 2021-2023, leveraging his expertise to drive positive change within the community.

As the principal and editor of Pyrrhic Press (https://www.pyrrhicpress.org), Dr. Pirro delves into business intricacies through research and publications. His theories, including the Chaotic Monarch Theory, the Robotic Elephant Theory, and the Universal Resilience Theory, attest to his intellectual curiosity. Similarly, Dr. Pirro contributes prolifically to the Professionals in Business Journal, offering insights on industry trends and challenges. He has authored numerous research papers, contributing significantly to the advancement of business knowledge.

Repositories ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-0818-5054

SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=6568487

FairSharing: https://fairsharing.org/users/10991

Github: https://github.com/PyrrhicPress/PyrrhicPress

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nicholas_Pirro

Furthermore, Dr. Pirro's book "Where Are You Headed? - Get There" is available on platforms like Barnes & Noble (https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/where-are-you-headed-get-there-nicholas-pirro/1145345165?ean=9798881175863) and Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D159FLFG?dplnkId=63a385c1-6e25-4b04-b5e9-efdbab5fcfe7&ref_=k4w_ss_dp_lp_uc), showcasing his literary prowess. Through a blend of academic rigor and dedication to effectuating positive change, Dr. Pirro leaves a lasting impact holistically in the business world, influencing academia and industry alike.

Dr. Nicholas J.Pirro is the founder of the Lorraine Ann Pirro Public School Endowment (LAPPSE) https://www.pyrrhicpress.org/lappse-memorial-fund, a memorial fund to honor its namesake by dispersing donated funds to deserving schools/ educators by way of nominations. Through this fund, Lorraine Ann Pirro continues to make a difference in the lives of students and educators alike, providing support and resources to enhance educational opportunities and enrich learning experiences. "Her legacy of giving and teaching beyond life serves as an inspiration to others, reminding us of the profound impact that one individual's dedication and generosity can have on the future of education and the lives of those touched by it."

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasjpirro


Pirro, N. (2024). Universal Resilience Theory. PyrrhicPress.Org https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10997597 Pirro, N. (2024). Professionals in Business Journal Volume 1: 2024 Q1 Edition 3. PyrrhicPress.Org. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10897572

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